Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Rug Of The Day - Lady Liberty

Lady Liberty
Adapted from the artwork of Lori Brechlin/Notforgotten Farm
Hooked by Kris Miller

Oh my, how I love Lady Liberty!  I was still new to hooking eyes so I had to fuss around with her eye and I probably  ripped it out twice before I was happy with the results.  Small eyes are hard to hook!  After I was somewhat satisfied, I still thought it looked a little big so I just say that Liberty is "all-seeing and all-knowing" and I'm sticking to that story!

Many times when I look at the rugs that I have hooked, it brings back memories of what was going on in my life while I was hooking it.  When I am anxious or sad or worried, my hooked loops tend to be lower and when I am happy and carefree, my loops are higher.  Weird, I know.  But besides that, I have hooked in hundreds of memories and events that have taken place in my life.  Many of my rugs are very precious to me, just because of that.  It is like a mental diary that has been woven into my loops.

Lady Liberty is one of those rugs.  It seemed like it took me forever to get her skirt hooked!  There is a lot of fabric there in her billowing clothes.  I was teaching out of town and took this rug with me so I could work on it in the evening.  One night, my hostess and I were sitting and hooking.  I can't remember exactly how we got on to the subject but we started to talk about Alzheimers Disease.  At the time, my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimers and my family was struggling with her symptoms and progression of the disease.  There were times that I felt so anxious and confused.  My hostess began to tell me about her late husband's struggle with Alzheimers and how they dealt with it.  I poured my heart out and she poured her heart out and in the end, we both had a really good cry.  But my heart began to heal a little that night because of her kindness and compassion and understanding.  We had a great friendship in the following years until she passed away.  I will never forget how she helped me that night and it makes my heart full and grateful now. There are angels who walk among us.  And these grateful, healing memories are forever hooked into Lady Liberty.

Here is the link to the pattern: 

Hurrah for the red, white, and blue!

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