Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Twelve Days of Christmas Rugs - Day 6

Ho, Ho, Ho!
St. Nick
Adapted from the artwork of Lori Brechlin/Notforgotten Farm
Hooked by Sue Clark ~ Adrian, Missouri

I think Sue Clark hit this one out of the ball park!  I have always loved this pattern and wanted to hook it, but how can you do any better than this?  Total perfection!

My son and I were talking the other day and he reminded me of something I did when both my sons were just "tweens."  I used to tell them that if they helped me clean the house and get ready for Christmas, on Christmas Day they could do anything they wanted.  Anything.  Now, this could have gone really bad but it didn't.  "Like....not change our underwear, or stay in our pajamas, or play video games all day?" they would ask in astonishment.  My oldest son loves cranberry sauce, so one year he told me that his free pass would be to eat the whole can of cranberry sauce.  And he did.  He reminded me the other day that eating all the cranberry sauce was really gross....and that I only fooled them for a year or two and then they realized that mom had gotten the better deal over the years.

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