Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Twelve Days of Christmas Rugs - Day 5

It's a snowy day in's rug is more of a winter rug  (rather than Christmas) and it's certainly appropriate for today.  But, hey!  We could pretend that someone is snuggled in that warm little cabin and they are baking Christmas cookies or preparing their Christmas ham.

Designed/adapted and hooked by Kris Miller

I know I've told the story of this design before...I saw this old rug at an antique market when I was still a beginner rug hooker.  Not being able to spend the money to purchase the rug, I asked the antique dealer if I could take a picture and he agreed.  It took me a couple of years before I had the courage to hook it.  I painstakingly tried to replicate the colors and I think I came close.  But I just couldn't create the wonky, uneven stitches that the maker had done.  It was sort of an "ah-ha" moment for me.  I realized that I had to embrace and accept the way I hooked (even loops) because that was my style and I had to be happy with what I created.

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