I was in Odenville, Alabama last week-end with Wendy Miller from The Red Saltbox. We were team-teaching a workshop for the Wool Sisters group from Tennessee (although some of their members come from other states too). OK, the gals warned me that they were a little crazy...well, yes, they were, but they didn't scare me...I just laughed right along with them!!! What amazed me the most is the fact that everyone was so productive during the three days we met. I believe there were no less than 5 rugs completely hooked during our retreat and those who finished began hooking on a second project!!! Yowza!! That's a record for any workshop that I've ever taught at...
Need I say that the food was exceptional??? All home-cooked Southern style! Yum. I think I ate dessert twice a day. Oh, well, except for the day that we had Banana Pudding. I had several helpings of that. Ask Ginger and she'll tell you it's true.... I can be bribed to do just about anything for a bowl of Banana Pudding. So she made sure that I got my fill.
Here's some pictures of the participants and their rugs. I thought that today I'd post some of the rugs that got finished at the retreat and show some more pictures tomorrow. Be prepared to be dazzled!
The picture above is Melanie holding her completed rug. As you can tell, this was no small project. Love the border.
Here is Penny with her finished rug. It's a Red Saltbox pattern. I love the colors she used...nice and old looking.
Here's Merry holding her sheep "mug mats". This is a pattern also from The Red Saltbox. Cute!
Here are Carrie (L), Megan (C), and Linda (R). Carrie and Megan's rugs are completed. Megan is holding a portrait of her dog and I believe this is her first hooked rug! Linda is working on a dimensional project (a downward view of a sidewalk) and is experimenting by adding sculpting, needle felting and couching to her rug. Pretty impressive trio of gals, wouldn't you say?
I think these big panties are a real hoot! They were hanging on the wall during our workshop but on the last night, Ginger (L) and her sister Bobbie (R) decided to model them. The saying on the front: "Support Your Local Hookers."
The next photo may be disturbing to some people.....
I'm not exactly sure what is going on here....but Bobbie's face says it all!~~~
More photos tomorrow!!!