A summer fiber extravaganza, of course!
I'm going to have a booth at the Fiber Arts Festival at Castle Farms in Charlevoix, Michigan this weekend...Saturday July 25th and Sunday July 26th. I'm really looking forward to seeing Castle Farms which was built in 1918 by the acting president of Sears Roebuck and Co. It was originally used as a model farm where livestock was raised and where Sears and Roebuck highlighted their newest farm equipment. Yes, the buildings look like a castle, with stone buildings, arches, and turrets. It has now been renovated to accommodate weddings, festivals, social events, and tours. What a perfect place for a fiber festival!!! Besides rug hooking (that's me), there will be lots of stuff for knitting, spinning, dyeing, felting, etc. There's also demonstrations of sheep shearing, sheep herding, llama obstacle course, a fashion show, and live music. Admission is $5.00. You can go to Castle Farms website to get more information. Charlevoix is a great place to visit, too, so jump in the car and drive up north! Sounds like a great week-end, doesn't it? I hope to see you there, but if I don't, I'll certainly have some pictures to post when I get home.
Have a wonderful wooly fiber week-end!
PS: I forgot to mention that I'll be bringing lots of freshly dyed wool and three brand-spankin'-new rug hooking patterns adapted from Lori Brechlin/Notforgotten Farm.